Private Limited Company

A Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd) offers limited liability protection to its owners, limiting their personal liability. It is a separate legal entity, ensuring continuity, and facilitates easy transfer of ownership. Pvt Ltd companies have advantages like tax benefits, access to funding, and credibility, making them an ideal choice for businesses seeking stability and growth.

Price Starting from ₹10,999/-
  • Cost-effective efficiency and timeliness 

    Terms & Condition*

    • Total payment may vary depending on government fees and the entity of the company.
    • Downtime on the government portal may cause work delays.
    • Documents should be appropriate as per the requirements.
    • Documents must be provided in time to avoid delay.
  • Professional and experienced team
  • Online & Offline Services Available
  • Hand holding post services
Trusted by 3000+ companies, who wrote success stories with us

One Of The Most Popular Types Of Business Entities Is A Private Limited Company. A Company Registration In India Requires A Minimum Of Two Members And Directors. The Directors Of A Private Limited Company Have Limited Liability To Creditors. In A Case Of Default, Banks/Creditors Can Only Sell Company's Assets But Not Personal Assets Of Directors.

  • Require 2 Person As Entrepreneur I.E Directors.
  • Easily Setup And Recommend To Growing Startups.
  • Limited Liability For Members.
  • More Credibility As Compare To Others.
  • Easily Raise Funds From Investors.
  • ESOP Option Are Available To Motivated Employees.

  • Preferred By Banks, VCs & Investors
  • Easy To Allocate And Redistribute Shares To Investors Or Other Directors
  • Separate Legal Entity Which Limits Your Liability
  • Offers The Flexibility Of A Partnership Firm And The Advantages Of A Public Ltd Company
  • Easy To Register, Manage & Run
  • Easy To Dissolve Or Wind-Up.

  • Statutory Compliance Are High.
  • High Setup Cost As Compare To Others.
  • Involvement Of Other Directors In Decision Makings.
  • Restricted To Transfer Of The Shares To Others Without Agreements.
  • Not Allow Invite To Public For Deposits.