Satisfaction Guarantee

360 Business & Services (Company) guarantees you the customer satisfaction with our website services and support. If you are not satisfied, you can contact us at and we will address the issue immediately. However, we cannot refund or credit any money paid to government entities, third parties, or directly to an affiliated partner. If you want to exchange a product or service, you must request it and complete a replacement order within 60 days of purchase, excluding payments made to affiliated partner. The full original purchase price, less any tax, is credited to the original form of your payment. The company cannot guarantee the results or outcome of your specific procedure, such as government rejection of company name or trademark applications, government backlogs, or website downtime. The company does not guarantee the results or outcomes of services rendered by our affiliated partners. The guarantee only covers satisfaction issues caused by 360 Business & Services, not changes to the situation or state of mind. These issues are beyond our control and are not covered by the guarantee.
