Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legally binding contract that outlines confidential information shared between parties, prohibiting its disclosure to third parties. It safeguards sensitive data, trade secrets, or proprietary information from unauthorized use or dissemination. NDAs establish trust and protect intellectual property during collaborations, partnerships, or employment agreements. Key elements typically include definitions of confidential information, obligations of parties, duration of the agreement, and remedies for breaches. Enforcing an NDA may involve legal action if confidentiality is compromised.

  • Professional and experienced team
  • Cost-effective efficiency and timeliness  

    Terms & Condition*

    • Total payment may vary depending on government fees and the entity of the company.
    • Downtime on the government portal may cause work delays.
    • Documents should be appropriate as per the requirements.
    • Documents must be provided in time to avoid delay.
  • Proactive compliance management
  • Unlock the business's growth potential.
  • Transparency and communication
  • Comprehensive service offerings
Trusted by 3000+ companies, who wrote success stories with us

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement, is a legal contract between parties that outlines confidential information shared between them and prohibits the recipient from disclosing or using that information for unauthorized purposes. NDAs are used to protect sensitive information, trade secrets, intellectual property, and proprietary data from being disclosed to third parties.

The parties involved in an NDA typically include the disclosing party (the individual or entity sharing confidential information) and the recipient party (the individual or entity receiving the confidential information). In some cases, NDAs may involve multiple parties, such as subcontractors, affiliates, or agents.

NDAs can cover various types of information, including business plans, financial data, customer lists, product designs, software code, marketing strategies, research findings, and any other proprietary or confidential information disclosed during business negotiations, partnerships, collaborations, or employment relationships.

The key provisions of an NDA typically include definitions of confidential information, obligations of the recipient party to maintain confidentiality and use the information only for authorized purposes, exceptions to confidentiality (such as information already in the public domain), duration of confidentiality obligations, remedies for breach of the agreement, and governing law and jurisdiction.
